Popular Press Articles
2020 Articles
The Meaningless Meaning of 'COVID Cases'
Canada Free Press (2020), and
Ice Age Now (2020)

What differentiates the "common flu" from "COVID-19"?
Most interesting, at least in my mind is that "evidence of pneumonia" — by the U.S. CDC's Clinical Criteria this definition alone — now qualifies as a clinical evidence of COVID-19 "infection."
Ice Age Now (2020)

carved moose antler
Not about your backyard shed.
If you are tired of COVID and elections, perhaps you may like Sheds ...
Lipsticks and other Needs — out of this World
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020)

viewing space
Have you seen the recent "space" news, the "inmates" of the International Space Station (ISS),
finally got a new toilet and some needed or desirable toiletries along with that. At a cost of $21 million ( ex installation! ), that throne surely must be something special.
Forget Science — subscribe to Nihilism instead — NOT REALLY!
Canada Free Press (2020), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020)

a park bench
As it appears, simply destroying statues of explorers, statesmen, or other notables from centuries past no longer satisfies the current lust for mayhem of the "forward-looking progressive minds."
Education is vital to the "survival of the fittest."
Where’s Your Planet?
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020)

The Milky Way; photo credit: Wikipedia
In case you missed the news, Russia recently claimed planet Venus as property of the state. — I didn't realize how easy it was to claim possession of anything "out of this world."
Hagia Sophia a church before it was a mosque
The Hamilton Spectator (2020)

photo credit: JoJan via Wikipedia
The Hagia Sophia was the first major Christian church in Asia Minor. Its visible foundations and other stone relics date back to the third and fourth century, well before the arrival of the Islamic Prophet Mohammed (570-632).
'This tastes freaking delicious'
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020)

grasshopper diet
... it says, in the latest dietary advice on how to procure your protein needs from insects, mealy bugs, grasshoppers, and the like. Just "consume" Popular Science’s (PS) "Bug Eating Guide"
Which is going to die first — corona virus fever or climate change?
Principia Scientific Intl., and
Canada Free Press (2020)
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2020)

world in flames & corona virus
The news is dire and, in some ways getting worse. There are more reported "cases" of corona virus infections every day and, as of late, more "climate change" alarmism, sometimes in the same breath.
A Lack of useful Information
Canada Free Press, and
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020)

Government advice on hand-washing
Household bleach to be used as a spray for disinfection:
I strongly recommend against that!
Its highly caustic properties can easily cause painful burns on the skin, respiratory problems, and blindness in eyes.
Chemicals to the Rescue!
TerraBase Inc.'s COVID-19 Virus Generosity,

Chloroquine mustard, an anti-viral agent
TerraBase Inc. has just announced a committment to foster R&D on the COVID-19 virus by temporarily reducing the prices for their TerraTOX databases and TerraQSAR
AI-based quantitative structure-activity (QSAR) programs. For example, the TerraTOX Explorer database lists 2650+ antimalarial compounds, including several
chloroquine-type structures that are currently explored for their antiviral activity. Specifically, chloroquine-type and other antimalarial materials were recently mentioned by U.S. President
D. Trump as promising agents against the COVID-19 virus and are currently explored for their antiviral, potentially anti-COVID-19 virus effects.
For details, see the TerraBase Inc. web site for Antimalarials and related information.
Pandemic Pandemonium Panic Poker
Canada Free Press, and
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020), and
Long Room (2020)

Racing dromedaries and jockeys; source Wikipedia
The sky is falling, Chicken Little said so. And Foxy Loxy is licking his lips in anticipation.
COVID-19 virus is nearly everywhere, "City Killer" asteroids are whizzing by earth, apparently at increasing frequency and a few million miles closer day by day, the oceans are said to be rising by leaps and bounds, ....
Dear Palladium, — (a chemist's confession)
Principia Scientific Intl., and
Ice Age Now (2020)

Moissanite jewellery
My venerable flame of yore -- long lost but not forgotten!
But what's 50 years between lovers? I hope you still remember me, ...
Open Letter To Canada's Minister Of Environment And Climate Change
Principia Scientific Intl., and

Minister Wilkinson (center)
Most Canadians are keen on protecting the environment from litter and pollution. I mean real pollution, like the stuff one can see on
the medians and ditches of some highways and on the shores of some water bodies!
"Free Solar Energy" — for only $2+ per kWh
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020), and
Canada Free Press (2020)
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2020)
Also translated into Italian by M. Sesler for
Attività Solare (2020)

Crescent Dunes solar plant
As reported by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project has stopped operating and has been "mothballed."
Let's outlaw the Weather
(and the Climate, too)
Principia Scientific Intl., and
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Canada Free Press (2020)
controlled (indoor) weather
It's true! It's true!
The crown has made it clear,
the climate must be perfect all the year.
Mid-Winter Musings from the Underground in Punxsutawney, PA, USA
Canada Free Press, and
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020), and
Long Room (2020)

Punxsutawney Phil
My Dear Cousins Wiarton Willie (in Ontario) and Shubenacadie Sam (in Nova Scotia) in the Great White North of CANADA, ...
Beware Latest BBC Fake Ocean Pollution & Climate Claims
Principia Scientific Intl.

BBC screenshot
Recently, the BBC ran this story, 'Climate change: Oceans running out of oxygen as temperatures rise' (by Matt McGrath) which claims that:
"Climate change and nutrient pollution are driving the oxygen from our oceans, and threatening many species of fish."
1,2,3 ... — Waltzing with Ballie
Canada Free Press, and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020)

Viennese Waltzing
How did we ever live happily before the Samsung Co.'s invention of the "tennis ball butler," AKA "Ballie?"
Xenobots Bricks are Coming
Canada Free Press, and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020), and
Ice Age Now (2020)

As the Independent reports, "Scientists have created what they claim are the first ever 'living robots:' entirely new life-forms created out of living cells."
Chewing Gum Relevations about the Relations
Canada Free Press, and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020), and
Ice Age Now (2020)

Ancient birch tree "chewing gum"
My Dear Relatives close by and far afield, the science of ancestral lineages is progressing rapidly. As it shows, nearly each of us is related ...
Wildfires and Virtual Reality
Canada Free Press, and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020), and
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Virtual Reality (2020)

Embellished satellite shot of Kalimantan & enlargement
A recent news post at Gizmodo claims to show "The Satellite Images That Show a Decade of Climate Change." Needless to say, it was widely mentioned in the mainstream media.
Welcome to 2020!

Selected 2019 Articles
Need a novel New Year's Resolution? —
Try Climate Obsession!
Principia Scientific Intl., and
Ice Age Now (2019), and
Canada Free Press (in press), and
Long Room (2019), and
Beyond Landscheidt (2019), and news services.
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2020)

Temperatures on Mars
If you are thinking about making New Year's Resolutions to soothe your conscience, I suggest you venture from the beaten path. Pumping iron and exercising ...
The New Moose Express
Canada Free Press, and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)

moose drawing sleighs
... the Moose Express, is the northern equivalent of the famous Pony Express, a top-speed transcontinental delivery service of news between the continent's ...
Why Canada needs a CARBON BENEFIT —
not a 'CARBON TAX'
Ice Age Now (2019), and
Principia Scientific Australia (2019), and
Canada Free Press [in press]
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2019)

taxing your CO2 emissions
Yes, you read that right, Canadians (and others) should be encouraged (tax-wise) to consume carbon-type fuel and NOT be (carbon-)taxed for that!
The Fluorine Conundrum
Canada Free Press, and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)

invasive sea-lamprey
The element fluorine (with the chemical notation "F") is in the crosshairs of many do-gooders these days. That isn't new but appears to have recently gained momentum. For example ...
Us Super-Mutants
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)

NASA "boarding pass"
As Fox News reports, once man (and woman, I presume) have become settled on Mars, evolution to super-mutant Marslings (or similar) is inevitable.
Glyphosate — the End of Aspirin?
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019), and
QOSHE (2019)

Aspirin label, aspirin & glyphosate structures
Long live aspirin and glyphosate!
Ocean Power Generating Systems —
Going Nowhere Fast
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)
Also translated into German by A. Demmig for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2019)
Also translated into Italian by M. Sesler for
Attività Solare (2019)

investment quality ocean
The number of companies that hoped in vain (some still do) to harness ocean power for "free energy" is steadily increasing. One of the latest outfits not doing so well ...
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Principia Scientific Australia (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)

19th century clipper, Roundup bottle
... the term "to jury-rig" means "to erect, construct, or arrange in a makeshift fashion" a temporary device to help you out in a pinch when there are no better alternatives available.
Gretafication — a new Syndrome
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Principia Scientific Australia (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2019)

Climate demonstration. Photo credit: Reuters
... there is a new type of virulence afflicting the world, particularly in Europe, i.e. the "Gretafication Syndrome."
Recommendations for
5G Communication Systems Testing
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)
Also translated into Italian by M. Sesler for
Attività Solare (2019)

serious concerns
Due to the higher attenuation in the atmosphere and the expected increased communication demand, ... , the 5G system will require an ubiquitous coverage.
In practice, that means a 5G transmission tower "on every city block" or so.
5G Wireless Broadband and how (not) to Boil Eggs
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019), and
NoPaperNews (2019)

new technology
The new 5G wireless broadband technology that is said to be rolled out soon for wireless communication everywhere has some people concerned about potential health effects.
Other Recent Publications by the Author
On the Formation of Atolls — Proposed Modification of Darwin's Theory
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Ice Age Now (2019)
Also translated into Italian by M. Sesler for
Attività Solare (2019)

Atolls — how they came about and why they didn't become islands.
The Carbon Cycle and Royal Society Math
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)
Other Books by the Author
of chemicals to Photobacterium phosphoreum.
KLE, Devillers J. Gordon and Breach Science Publ., ISBN:
2-88124-974-4, (1994).
in Environmental Toxicology - II.
Kaiser KLE (ed.). D.
Reidel Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-2555-1, (1987).
in Environmental Toxicology.
Kaiser KLE (ed.). D. Reidel
Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-1776-1, (1984).
Some other publications by the
Evolution of the
International Workshops on Quantitative Structure-Activity
Relationships (QSARs) in Environmental Toxicology.
& QSAR Env. Res., 18: 3-20 (2007).
Data Sources.
Chapter 2 in Predicting Chemical
Toxicity and Fate. Cronin MTD, Livingstone DJ (eds.),
CRC Press, Boca Raton, (2004).
Catalysis —
where we should apply it now!
Can. Chemical News,
ACCN, 50(7/8): 27 (1999).
Hydrogen, fuel of
the future?
Can. Chemical News, ACCN, 50(5):
29 (1999).
Erroneous Data: Avenues for Detection and
Quintessence, 1(4): 13-16 (1995).
[Contact author for reprint].